

Assassination is the willful killing, by a sudden, secret, or planned attack, of a person—especially if prominent or important.

Assassin's Creed Wiki

Assassin's Creed Wiki is a comprehensive database focusing on the Assassin's Creed video game series. The wiki is dedicated to collecting all information ...


名词 编辑 · 刺客,暗杀者,行刺者 · 杀手,杀人犯. 派生词 ...

Assassin's Creed Wiki

The Assassin Brotherhood, also known as the Assassin Order and originally as the Hidden Ones (Arabic: المخفيون; Chinese: 無形者), is a secret global ...


2024年3月21日 — Assassin is a Subclass of Rogue. It's focused on dealing higher and more reliable damage to enemies at the start of battle, especially if you ...

Assassin (disambiguation)

An assassin is a person who commits targeted murder. The origin of the term is the medieval Order of Assassins, a sect of Shia Islam 1090–1275 CE.

Crystal Assassin armor

2024年3月5日 — Crystal Assassin armor · +36 defense · +15% damage · +15% critical strike chance · +20% movement speed · -10% mana cost · +10% ammo conservation ...


Assassins are swift melee strikers who are meant to get in and get out, inflicting massive damage quickly with multiple hits. They are masters of the shadows ...


Assassinationisthewillfulkilling,byasudden,secret,orplannedattack,ofaperson—especiallyifprominentorimportant.,Assassin'sCreedWikiisacomprehensivedatabasefocusingontheAssassin'sCreedvideogameseries.Thewikiisdedicatedtocollectingallinformation ...,名词编辑·刺客,暗杀者,行刺者·杀手,杀人犯.派生词 ...,TheAssassinBrotherhood,alsoknownastheAssassinOrderandoriginallyastheHiddenOnes(Arabic:المخفيون;C...